

     Flour      Salt      Butter, chilled and cut into small cubes      Water, ice cold     

Mix the flour and salt in a large freezer-safe mixing bowl and add the chilled butter.  Cover the bowl with a plastic film and keep it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes so the butter won't melt in the next step.


Remove the bowl from the freezer.  Using a pastry cutter a pastry scraper, cut the butter into the flour.     



  Take the flour mixture from  the sides and start to mix with the pastry scraper as your hands warm the butter easily. Use your hands to make a ball.

Make a well in the center of the mixture and pour in the ice cold water.


Put the dough onto the work surface. Flour the work surface and the rolling pin. Roll out the dough into a 10-inch (25 cm)long rectangle. Brush off the excess flour with a pastry brush.


Fold the bottom one-third of the dough towards the center, and the top third over that.


Give the dough a quarter turn, and make the same steps at least 3 more times- up to 6 times. Wrap the dough in plastic film and refrigerate at least for 1 hour or freeze for 20-30 minutes before using.


You can make many recipes with this quick puff pastry such as palmiers and apple turnovers.